2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens, California

05.10.2022 | 4:08 AM | BELL GARDENS - Bell Gardens Police unit was involved in a crash with another vehicle just before 1am."

2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens
05.10.2022 | 4:08 AM | BELL GARDENS - Bell Gardens Police unit was involved in a crash with another vehicle just before 1am.
May 10, 2022

Video of Bell Gardens "2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens" added to our site on May 10, 2022, by ONSCENE TV.

Text description of video "2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens" is 05.10.2022 | 4:08 AM | BELL GARDENS - Bell Gardens Police unit was involved in a crash with another vehicle just before 1am.

Video 2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens has duration 4m 59s

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2 Transported After Officer Involved Crash | Bell Gardens information

Published May 10, 2022
Views 6,738
Duration 4m 59s